It's sort of been an up and down last couple of weeks. After all of the Thanksgiving running around, I worked 7 days in a row and topped that off with my comp day consisting of trying to squeeze in all of my Christmas shopping. By the middle of last week, I was completely exhausted and totally burned out. My workouts suffered for sure. I was supposed to start my 16 week 70.3 training program, but I think that will officially kick off this week instead. Oh, and there's that half marathon I've got planned for January. That puppy's only 6 weeks away now. I've been getting some workouts in, but they're not consistent enough to be PR worthy yet.
The upswing happened on Friday when Steve called me at work to let me know that my letter had finally come. I passed the huge test I took in October. I am now officially a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist! I guess all of that hard work this summer finally paid off. Yesterday Steve and I spent the day getting ready for our annual "Hague House" Christmas party. Hague was the street I lived on in undergrad with 5 other girls. We are all still great friends, and now that most of us are married and some of us have kids, we have to work a little harder to get together. We've been really blessed the last few years, and this year, except for one family who got stuck in a snowstorm, we were all able to get together for an evening of great food, wine, and watching Ben (one of the kids) chase our cats all over the house.
Today our rain turned quickly to ice, so the other holiday get-together I had on the agenda had to be postponed. Sorry Tiff, Kelly, and Victoria! So I'm trying to update some stuff online and get my application for taking pharmacy students on rotations all finished up.
I actually have the day off tomorrow as well, my last one before Christmas (a 9 day stretch), so I'm trying to burn off all of the burnout before I get really crabby!
I'm hoping to start off the day with a spin class with one of my favorite instructors, Melissa. She used to work at the Y where we go, but she left to start her own studio. She offers one free class for newcomers, so I hope to join in at 5:45 AM tomorrow. Melissa is AWESOME, and ever since she left, our spin classes just aren't the same. I've spent the last 1.5 years trying to find someone I like as much as her but with no success. I'm looking forward to having the real thing tomorrow!
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
1 day ago