Spilling the Beans - Big Evotri Bike Announcement

Monday, August 22, 2011 by | |
I have been a member of Evotri since last summer. With the help of the super sweet gear from our sponsors, I was able to post a HUGE PR at Rev3 half last September. Shortly after that, I got pregnant with Henry, and racing has been on major hold. The thing is, the gear I was using (my Zipp wheels and Cyclops Powertap) was only a small portion of the things I received as part of the team. I had a box of SUPER sweet components sitting in my basement waiting for a bike worthy of them. Two weeks ago, I got this in the mail...

Um, yeah. This definitely looks worthy.

Presenting, my Quintana Roo CD0.1 I almost fell over when I realized I could lift the frame with two fingers...

We took all of my boxes of parts out to Gear West Bike and Tri, our local tri mecca. They are a bit of a drive for us but totally worth it. We have so many bike shops within a couple of miles of us, but none of them have the level of expertise of Gear West while maintaining the feeling of a small shop. I just prefer a shop where I know their names and they know mine...

Lots and lots of parts ready to be put together. Good thing somebody knows how to do this!

A few days later, we went back to pick up my new beauty. It's a good thing I never had bladder issues after having a baby, because I almost peed myself when I saw my new bike. I still can't believe this is mine. They did a really quick fitting so they could cut my aerobars down and string the cables, and Steve snapped this picture.

All smiles while trying out the new ride

I'll go back for a more thorough fitting once I don't have a 10 pound tire around my midsection and have regained some of my flexibility - hopefully this winter.

While I was getting fitted, Henry sat by the Quintana Roos on display there. He definitely approves of their products!

Henry's content face. He likes Mama's new toy :)

So I'll be saying goodbye to my current tri bike - a QR Tequilo that I've had since 2007. It has treated me really well, which is a big reason I'm excited that we're going to be working with Quintana Roo. I love that it's a small company with a triathlon focus. It's right in line with our Evotri mission.

I have been really slow to get back on my bike postpartum. Apparently prolapsing your urethra on top of all of the other damage that results to your lady business after 36 hours of labor will do that. I'm thinking this will be just the incentive I need to get out and enjoy a few rides before winter hits. Oh, and I'm still considering squeezing in a very short tri in a couple of weeks.

I am already starting to look at potential races for next year. I'm really thinking that it's time to focus on shorter races and trying to bring down my times. I can't wait to see what I can do with my CD0.1.



Exciting! What a gorgeous bike!

Which race are you thinking you'll try to slip in this year--and which ones do you have your eyes on for next year?

An aside: if you're still running into trouble healing after your birth (or haven't fully recovered from birthing trauma), I'd recommend seeing a urogynocologist and possibly getting gynocological physical therapy...it's awkward, but SUPER helpful...


WOW, gorgeous bike! I love how happy you look on it!

I am not a mom (well, I am but all my kids have 4 legs) but, knowing what my sister has gone through after 2 births, I certainly do admire your determination to get back out there and do what you love.

You're definitely an inspiration!


WOW! That bike is amazing! :)


holy hotness!!!


So then the QR Tequilo is for sale?!?!


Katie - I'm wondering if I can squeeze in the St. Croix sprint. The distances would be doable for me. I'm also thinking that the TCM is a go - more on that soon. Next year I think I'd like to focus on Olys with maybe one half thrown in. Thanks for your aside... I actually did see a urogynecologist who basically told me to be patient. Oddly enough, one of my very best friends is a women's PT...

Mike - yep, the Tequilo is for sale :)


First of all I love your blog. I just had my first baby 5 weeks ago and do triathlons also. So it has been fun/helpful to read your blog! I have been trying to figure out when it is safe to run with my baby in our jogging stoller. Some of the recommendations say not till 6 months, even with the carseat attachment! I think this seems extreme. Did you follow any guidelines or just use common sense? Thanks!



Cool! I wish you the best in your races!

I'm glad you already know about and have seen the professionals who can help you! That's awesome! Not everyone is aware of that section of healthcare, so I thought I should point it out, in case. Another aside...I read a blog the other day (yesterday?)...it's kinda related, so I thought I'd pass it on (take it or leave it kind of thing): http://journeytocrunchville.wordpress.com/2010/08/17/why-you-should-stop-doing-kegels/ Best wishes in your recovery from childbirth--I hope your recovery and healing goes much more quickly and smoothly and you start finding some comfort and previous normalcy soon!


Beautiful mama, beautiful baby and beautiful bike. In that order! Have fun on it and be careful! (Riding while having a little one at home changes all kinds of thought patterns about riding...at least it did for me!)

The Triathlon Rx

I had read on QRoo's blog that they were teaming up with Evo Tri. Two words: Awesome. Jealous!

Love the Henry photo - good to see he's getting used to the store layout at GW. Something tells me he'll spend a bit of time there in the future. ;)

Jennifer P

If you ever want to chat destroyed lady bits, drop me a line! And I agree with Katie, finding someone for therapy will help.