Crossing Over to the Dark Side
Now I may be shunned from the blogger community for even writing this, but I have bucked the trend of ipods for a long time. I know, I know. It's the 21st century. Everyone and their dog has an ipod, but I have my reasons:
1. I rarely listen to music when I run. I believe that keeping myself company builds up mental toughness, especially since I won't get to wear music during races. When I'm really jonesing for some tunes, I bring along my discman (I know, I know - totally uncool).
2. It can be dangerous. I run in the middle of St. Paul, and though it's not a huge bustling metropolis, cars/bikers/other pedestrians aren't always watching for me. I need to be able to hear everything.
3. I sort of think it's impersonal. I live in a neighborhood where lots of people are out there running with me. It's not unusual to see people I recognize, and I think it's just plain polite to greet the people you are meeting on the sidewalk.
4. I get super annoyed by runners who have their music turned up so loud that they cannot hear my polite "on your left" while I'm biking. I don't want to be a hypocrite.
5. I am against people wearing them during races. First of all, it's usually against the rules. Also, it takes away from the experience - the people cheering, getting to meet another racer, etc. Finally, it's sort of cheating. I know how motivating having the music can be. I think it gives those who have portable music a slight edge over those who don't.
Well, I've officially crossed over to the dark side. I won an ipod shuffle at a meeting a couple of months ago, and I have been taking it on all of my runs recently. It's just a little extra motivator to get me out the door into the dark 10 degree weather. I keep the volume turned way down, so I can still hear everything, including the hellos from my neighbors. I love it. This is really dorky, but I love how light it is and how the music never skips like my CD player used to. Lately, I cannot get enough of Blue October or Breaking Benjamin. They're both great motivating music. I won't use it on the bike this summer, and I don't even know if I'll use it running in the summer (extra stuff on my head just adds to the feeling of overheating). But for now, I'm totally hooked.
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
1 day ago
oh no! I got the nike mp3 player but mostly for the foot pod which sadly I have since neglected completely.
I definitely agree that it is cheating in a race. If you need the music to run then maybe you aren't running right is kind of my view. But I will admit it has been a motivator on days when I REALLY didn't want to get out and hit the pavement.
to each her own I think. But I am glad I haven't forked over the cash for an i pod yet. Maybe when they become super cheap...
I don't have an Ipod and I'm an IT guy.
Neither my dog nor I have an ipod. (For the record.)
Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha. Don't understimate the power of the dark side . . . or the "Diary of Jane" for that matter. Love Breaking Benjamin.
The "Dark Side" and technology is a beautiful thing. I like being brainwashed with goofy tunes in my head while I run and sometimes ride my bike. But I must admit I do not wear it my races.
Yay, another convert!!! Woot. I love my shuffle too.
I don't train with an iPod, either. I just got my first one in November so I could watch movies on the plane to Florida. I do listen to the GYGO podcast while vaccuuming.... which is also only once a month like the podcast... ;-)
No ipod here and for all the same reasons you listed. Be careful over there on the dark side.
I am with Flatman. I LOVE my shuffle. I used it during RNR Arizona to get me through the solitary miles. I had to use it sometimes to just keep my sanity, but I usually only had one earbud in, so I could hear my fellow racers. :)
Enjoy the shuffle. :)
I mostly use my ipod on dreadmill runs. Triathlon podcasts let me learn something while I suffer through indoor workouts.
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